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Backend Python -

Become a Backend Engineer

Exactly what you need on your journey to becoming a backend software engineer. This course is your shortcut to conquering challenging problems, finding fulfillment, and making money.


Why Backend Python?

In my survey of software developers, most became software developers for three reasons.

  1. It allowed them to build new things and conquer challenging problems.
  2. It gave them a feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment
  3. Software engineering gave them a career path earning a significant amount of money doing what they love. With a typical software engineering salary being over $100,000, there’s no question why so many people want to give it a try.

It's true...coding gives you the freedom to make a lot of money doing something you love.

There’s one problem, though. Learning everything can be extremely time consuming and intimidating. You may be asking yourself, “Where do I even Start?” With Backend Python you will no longer have to ask this question. Instead, you’ll get exactly what you need in exactly the right order.

No more having scour the web for resources or continually looking up things like “How to be a software Engineer” or “What do I learn first for web development.” Consider this your career shortcut.

Nobody wants to learn something that will be obsolete in a year. Instead, we focus on becoming a stronger developer and learn design principles that go beyond the latest framework. Not only will you become a better overall developer, but you’ll learn the modern tools used in real world software development. These are the tools needed to make good software and require the exact skills recruiters are looking for today.

If you’re reading this you likely want more out of your career. Whether that is learning development for the first time, or strengthening your skills in backend engineering. This course gives you the skills you need to become a software engineer or to start creating your own software projects.

The Backend Powers Everything

With Backend Python, you'll explore software engineering from the perspective of the backend. This means we will learn how to build software that can power multiple frontends, including websites, mobile applications or desktop applications.
We will not only learn the Python needed to build backend software, but we will learn many of the surrounding processes and tools used across all of web development. We will learn how to manage your source code with Git and GitHub, manage packages with Pip, deploy our application to AWS, connect to databases to persist data, set up environments for development and deployment, build an API, authenticate users, and more.
Even if you end up working with other programming languages, databases, or cloud platforms, the principles and tools learned in this course will set you apart as a developer capable of learning anything and using any technology stack. This course sets the stage for a successful development career regardless of the tech requirements.

What You will Learn:

  • Learn the essentials of Python and Django needed for building web applications APIs, and working with Data
  • Understand virtual environments and software dependencies
  • Master the essential data structures of Python including objects, lists, and dictionaries
  • Use real examples of object oriented principles like inheritance
  • Learn about Javascript object notation (JSON) and follow examples on how to consume and create JSON data
  • Build applications with traditional model-view-template (MVT) architecture
  • Experience SQL and NoSQL databases for both versatility and extreme speed
  • Learn about different databases available and when you should use which (and what to avoid!)
  • Build a REST API to be used by any frontend (such as a single page application)
  • Authenticate users to secure API endpoints
  • Follow a proper deployment life cycle with a proper local environment, source control, and deployment to production servers
  • Properly consume an API from the frontend to experience full stack engineering

"As a self taught developer I’m always searching for videos on various topics. It’s difficult to find good teachers though. That’s why I was super happy to have stumbled on Caleb. He breaks down topics in a very digestible and engaging way and I owe a lot where I am today to his videos."

Linse - Senior Software Engineer at CapitalOne

Comprehensive eBook

Engage your mind not only through video, but with a detailed eBook with code examples. Lessons are organized nicely by video for you to follow along and use as reference.

This course is for you if:

  • You’re tired of seeing the backend as intimidating or a magic black box
  • You want to become a serious software engineer or develop the skills needed for advancement
  • You learn best by understanding the why behind the code we write
  • You’re looking for a practical guide to web development
  • You need a shortcut to starting your software engineering career

Backend Python


  • Access to 40 HD lessons (9 hours of training)
  • Full eBook with explanations, extra resources, and code snippets
  • All source code created in the course
  • Full course download for offline viewing
  • Instant access to any future course updates
  • Exclusive access to the CodeBreakthrough Discord
Buy - $167

Hi, My name is Caleb Curry

When I started my career in software there was so much I didn't know. I had no clue what to study, what to expect, or how to actually get better. 

I wish I had someone to help me layout the path to success. 
Understanding the technology was only part of the battle. The hard part was staying disciplined, knowing what to study, and maintaining confidence.
Now, over 10 years later, I am still obsessed with software development and love learning new tech, but I've learned from everything I was doing wrong. 
I've made it my mission to be the guide for those who are in the same shoes I was in. It doesn't matter where you are from, your age, or how much experience you have. I believe anyone can learn code and better their lives. 


I knew a career in software could be good, but at first I did not yet understand the full potential. I had no idea I would be able to:
✅  Work remotely (I didn't want to move),
✅  Work on tech that interested me (I assumed I'd be stuck working on ancient software maintenance),
✅  Define my own schedule and style of working,
✅  Get better at coding causing me to enjoy it more (most people don't enjoy being bad at things),
✅  Make $100-200K+ yearly doing what I loved.

Everyone is different in what they seek in life, but I think we can all agree that a career that offers fulfilling work, high pay, and flexibility is a major win (and it's completely achievable). 

What I'm Known For 

I've taught millions to code through YouTube (600K+ subs, 50 million views). I've covered C++, Rust, Python, full stack web development, databases, and much more.

Achievements unlocked:
  • Personally Landed multiple offers in tech and software engineering. Latest offer was for $240K/yr ($180K base). 100% remote! (Yes, they still exist),
  • Co-founded a tech company supporting thousands of users all over the world,
  • Collaborated with top course publishers (Pearson, CourseCareers),
  • Have worked with leading tech companies (IBM, Oracle, MongoDB),
  • Speaker for conferences and universities,
  • Created the best course on the internet (let me prove it 😉) .

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