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Become a Six-Figure Python 


Learn the exact skills needed to to go from complete beginner to professional Python Engineer in 10 weeks or less. 

I've landed five (fully-remote) 6-figure offers, and will show you exactly how I did it.


Why Python Mastery?

You've probably felt it before. The overwhelming feeling that there's too much to learn and too little time.

Let me tell you, I've been there. In fact, there was a point in my life where I almost quit software engineering completely! How could this be? I love programming! But no matter how much I studied, I would end up spending days or weeks on problems and make no progress. I couldn't keep up...

There's a plethora of "solutions" to this problem online. Whether it's the 1 hour YouTube video crash course, or the 80 hour Udemy course, these resources fail to deliver real life change.

I would finish a course, but still be stuck in tutorial Hell.

I'd learn the latest and greatest framework, yet still have imposter syndrome.
Despite how many hours I invested in software development (often more than 40 hours a week), I still couldn't build my own projects or advance my career.
I was completely lost. I started blaming my circumstances. “It's because I don’t live in Silicon valley.” “I don’t have the money for expensive conferences or courses.” “I’m not smart enough.” “I started too late.” and the list goes on. Turns out, me and my circumstances weren’t the problem. 
I was putting in more time and effort than anyone. The problem was that I was studying the wrong thing the wrong way. Seems simple enough, right? But most people reading this will go on with their life like normal, getting nowhere and going to bed each night frustrated. 

If you've made it this far...

I already know you want to learn Python.

But are you going to commit?
Four years running, Python is the most wanted language by developers, with Python engineers having a median salary of $120,000 in the United States (according to the 2020 Stack Overflow Survey of 65,000 developers).

What's Included?

This course is split into three main weeks (modules), with FIVE bonus courses including: Web Development in Python, Machine Learning in Python, Python Projects, Data Structures and Algorithms, and Backend Python! 

These bonus courses are ideal if you want to use Python practically for web applications or as a data scientist, to which the Stack Overflow survey states "are among the most highly compensated developers."

Let's dive into the curriculum in more detail!

Python Programming Crash Course

This module is designed to get you up to speed from a complete beginner to the start of intermediate Python. 
Here we first focus on introducing the Python programming language, setting up a Python development environment, and exploring some of the applications of Python. We then move into more technical detail by exploring the Python type system, functions, constructors, casting, operators, lists, control flow, and more. This will teach and apply every important concept you need to be a proficient entry-level Python developer. 

Applied Python

With a solid foundation under our belt, we can now face some of the more challenging aspects of Python. The parts of Python that will set you apart from everyone else. 
Here we deep dive Python modules and all of the different things you can do. By the end of this module you'll have a grasp on the intermediate applications of Python including working with CSV files, web scraping, copying data, working with JSON, and more. 


Intermediate / Advanced

Finally in this module we put our learning to the test by working on intermediate and advanced applications. This is where everything we learned comes together. 
By the end of this module you'll have experience building more advanced projects. This includes consuming APIs and building SDKs, dictionaries and sets, building our own modules, list comprehension, and generators. 
Don't forget object oriented programming. We'll learn the syntax, but more importantly we'll learn the proper approach to OOP within Python that most courses get wrong. 


Let's apply what we've learned to building websites. We will tackle backend development, cloud architecture, databases, HTTP methods/APIs, templates, and more.

By this point in time you can call yourself a Python developer, but you'll get the most reward for your studies by applying Python to building websites and APIs. Here you'll learn how to use Flask to turn Python into a web development machine. We'll deploy software to a cloud environment (Amazon Web Services), work with a database using an ORM (SQLAlchemy), learn how to direct traffic to our web server with different routes and HTTP methods, and the list goes on. We finally get to see a lot of pieces come together as we build modern web server applications.



Remember that Python crash course from week one? Here's another crash course but this time for machine learning. We'll use tools like like NumPy, Pandas, and scikit-learn.

One of my most requested topics, machine learning in Python is a quick start of supervised machine learning where we learn the tools of the trade and start our journey in predictive modeling. I've put months of effort into prepping this crash course and have broken down data science into easy to understand concepts and applications. We'll be exploring the different ways of acquiring data, how to store this data in memory, processing the data through machine learning pipelines, how to train models, and scoring our models with a train/test split. 



Here is your opportunity to extend your experience with access to a dedicated Python Projects course.

Just when you thought this bootcamp couldn't be any more awesome, I'm offering access to Python Projects so you can get even more hands on experience. This will solidify the principles taught in Python Bootcamp.



 This is a complex subject, but taught simply! By the end of this course you will be able to:
  • work with data structures and algorithms naturally,
  • grasp the underlying concepts to conquer any new data structure or algorithm,
  • program the most important data structures,
  • implement the most important algorithms,
  • understand scalability through the eyes of time and space complexity,
  • have the skills necessary to compete in job interviews and in your career.


With Backend Python, you'll explore software engineering from the perspective of the backend. This means we will learn how to build software that can power multiple frontends, including websites, mobile applications or desktop applications.

We will learn how to manage your source code with Git and GitHub, manage packages with Pip, deploy our application to AWS, connect to databases to persist data, set up environments for development and deployment, build an API, authenticate users, and more.


Are all Courses Made Equal?

I believe that the most important things in a course are:
  1. What content is taught
  2. In what order the content is taught
  3. How the content is taught (the delivery)
Many instructors believe the third point is not that important. As long as the information is shared, everything’s good, right? Wrong! 
It’s vitally important that you learn from an instructor with a teaching style you connect with. This is exactly why I focus on delivering content in a special way. We start with concepts and understanding why we type the things we do. We then apply these concepts to code examples and projects. Each concept builds upon the previous, allowing us to be just one step out of our comfort zone, but not so far out that we’re not learning.

Consider developing your skills to be like building a skyscraper. You start with the plans (the bigger picture this course will give you), then the foundation (the concepts), and then you build upwards one layer at a time. You don’t jump around going from the foundation, to the roof, to the windows, to the walls. You follow a direct plan that allows the skyscraper to be built in the most efficient way possible. Following this plan not only gets an end result faster, but an end result that is better and stronger than if you just wing it. 

What Others Have to Say

Brad Traversy

 (Traversey Media)

"Caleb is a great teacher, and he is very knowledgeable in many different programming languages and technologies. I have featured him on the Traversy Media YouTube channel and plan on doing more collaborations in the future."

Bucky Roberts (thenewboston)

"When it comes to explaining complex topics in a way that is easy to understand, there is no one better than Caleb. His videos are not only educational but incredibly entertaining as well."

Quincy Larson (freeCodeCamp)

"Caleb is a prolific contributor to the freeCodeCamp community. Through his tutorials and YouTube videos, he has helped thousands of people understand key computer science concepts. I am proud to call myself a Caleb Curry fan, and I think you will be, too."

Python Package 🥇


  •  Python Essentials (8 hours) 
  • Web Dev, Machine Learning, and Python Projects (10 hours)
  • Data Structures and Algorithms in Python (4 hours)
  • Backend Python (8 hours)
  •  Downloadable source code
  •  Lifetime access and any updates
  •  Exclusive Discord community
Buy - $397

Hi, My name is Caleb Curry

When I started my career in software there was so much I didn't know. I had no clue what to study, what to expect, or how to actually get better. 

I wish I had someone to help me layout the path to success. 
Understanding the technology was only part of the battle. The hard part was staying disciplined, knowing what to study, and maintaining confidence.
Now, over 10 years later, I am still obsessed with software development and love learning new tech, but I've learned from everything I was doing wrong. 
I've made it my mission to be the guide for those who are in the same shoes I was in. It doesn't matter where you are from, your age, or how much experience you have. I believe anyone can learn code and better their lives. 


I knew a career in software could be good, but at first I did not yet understand the full potential. I had no idea I would be able to:
✅  Work remotely (I didn't want to move),
✅  Work on tech that interested me (I assumed I'd be stuck working on ancient software maintenance),
✅  Define my own schedule and style of working,
✅  Get better at coding causing me to enjoy it more (most people don't enjoy being bad at things),
✅  Make $100-200K+ yearly doing what I loved.

Everyone is different in what they seek in life, but I think we can all agree that a career that offers fulfilling work, high pay, and flexibility is a major win (and it's completely achievable). 

What I'm Known For 

I've taught millions to code through YouTube (600K+ subs, 50 million views). I've covered C++, Rust, Python, full stack web development, databases, and much more.

Achievements unlocked:
  • Personally Landed multiple offers in tech and software engineering. Latest offer was for $240K/yr ($180K base). 100% remote! (Yes, they still exist),
  • Co-founded a tech company supporting thousands of users all over the world,
  • Collaborated with top course publishers (Pearson, CourseCareers),
  • Have worked with leading tech companies (IBM, Oracle, MongoDB),
  • Speaker for conferences and universities,
  • Created the best course on the internet (let me prove it 😉) .

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