Six-Figure Software Engineering Mentorship

I will guide you on the exact skills and strategies you need to land six-figure software engineering roles.

Apply for Mentorship

Software Skills

Until now you've probably wasted a lot of time learning the wrong thing, studying the wrong way, or not knowing how to apply what you learn. 

I will help you get on the right path and save you countless hours of effort by teaching you the most important tech. 

Career Skills

You may have some software skills but but do you know how to find the right roles, land interviews, and pass technical screenings?

I will help you refine your resume and succeed with behavioral, technical, and system design interviews. 



You may have tried courses, programs, or bootcamps without getting anywhere. 

How is the CodeBreakthrough mentorship program different? With regular one-on-one accountability and mentorship, you'll break through much larger challenges and receive direct guidance on what to do next. 

Live Engineering Calls to Work through Problems and Learn from Industry Experts

Get immediate feedback and questions answered on programming principles, cloud, system design, software engineering, and more. 

Gain real world wisdom directly from me or from other senior engineers with years of experience. 

What's included?


  • Daily calls for software training, backend architecture, and software engineering topics.

  • Slack community for realtime communication, collaboration, accountability, and access to experienced engineers. 

  • Lifetime access to nearly 90 hours of software engineering courses.

  • Access to recorded group calls on various software engineering topics (Resume's, interviewing, architecture reviews, system design, etc).

  • 1:1 mentorship calls with Caleb to accelerate progress and stay on track.


Software Engineering Mentorship: Everything You need to be a Successful Software Engineer


What Should I Expect?

I help prepare people for software engineering roles, period. You probably know by now that there are a ton of different areas of software development and you may be wondering what areas we tend to focus on...

First off, we focus on core engineering principles. Skills that make learning all other skills easier. These include things like system design, data structures and algorithms, interviewing, source control, cloud computing, writing good code, building real projects, etc. These are skills that are valuable for all disciples of software engineering. 

That being said, for applied coding, I tend to focus more on backend software engineering. This includes building out APIs, working with databases, AWS, docker, etc.

I do this because I believe you have the highest chance of learning valuable skills that let you stand out in the industry. Plus, the pay for backend engineering is one of the highest!

This image is from the 2024 Stack Overflow Survey, which gives us a decent starting point when looking at salaries. 

Not only is backend software engineering nearly the highest paid discipline (second to only mobile development), but it is an area with much less competition compared to other roles. Just think of how many full stack devs  are out there from all of the coding bootcamps that are 80% frontend. 

Most courses and bootcamps focus too much on the frontend, ignoring the things most likely to help you stand out. We focus on skills that software engineers should understand and be able to apply to real world apps. 

We flip things around and focus first on the backend, giving us a much higher chance at a higher salary and a smaller set of learning requirements compared to a full stack role. 

Think about it. Would you rather learn the backend and make $170K, or would you prefer to learn the backend AND the frontend to make only $130K?  It's a no brainer... Go for what requires less and pays more.  

We welcome devs of all types and have helped people who don't only do backend, but we can't help everybody with everything. If you need help with backend, system design, or real world engineering (such as building your own software) this program is for you. 

Hi, My name is Caleb Curry

When I started my career in software there was so much I didn't know. I had no clue what to study, what to expect, or how to actually get better. 

I wish I had someone to help me layout the path to success. 
Understanding the technology was only part of the battle. The hard part was staying disciplined, knowing what to study, and maintaining confidence.
Now, over 10 years later, I am still obsessed with software development and love learning new tech, but I've learned from everything I was doing wrong. 
I've made it my mission to be the guide for those who are in the same shoes I was in. It doesn't matter where you are from, your age, or how much experience you have. I believe anyone can learn code and better their lives. 


I knew a career in software could be good, but at first I did not yet understand the full potential. I had no idea I would be able to:
✅  Work remotely (I didn't want to move),
✅  Work on tech that interested me (I assumed I'd be stuck working on ancient software maintenance),
✅  Define my own schedule and style of working,
✅  Get better at coding causing me to enjoy it more (most people don't enjoy being bad at things),
✅  Make $100-200K+ yearly doing what I loved.

Everyone is different in what they seek in life, but I think we can all agree that a career that offers fulfilling work, high pay, and flexibility is a major win (and it's completely achievable). 

What I'm Known For 

I've taught millions to code through YouTube (600K+ subs, 50 million views). I've covered backend engineering, system design, databases, Python, JavaScript, AWS, full stack, and much more.

Achievements unlocked:
  • Personally Landed multiple offers in tech and software engineering. Latest offer was for $240K/yr ($180K base). 100% remote! (Yes, they still exist),
  • Co-founded a tech company supporting thousands of users all over the world,
  • Collaborated with top course publishers (Pearson, CourseCareers),
  • Have worked with leading tech companies (IBM, Oracle, MongoDB),
  • Created the best program on the internet for helping you learn software engineering (let me prove it 😉) .